Academic Projects:
         By running Image processing sample application (Sobel and Gray Scale filters) on processor vs. the FPGA fabric it is proved that there are performance gains in FPGA fabric. As mentioned in HW accelerated
         performance results there is 13.5 million cycles of CPU are saved by implementing Sobel filtering function into FPGA hardware.
         Component: Zybo Zynq-7000 ARM/FPGA SoC Board
         Tools: Xilinx Vivado
         Language: VHDL

         An Encryption and Decryption program is developed for security purpose. When a message is sent it is encrypted and securely transmitted to the receiver with the security key and then that message is decrypted
         and desired message is received.
         Tools: Visual Studio
         Language: .NET c#
         An ACLR filter is designed and tested by different sampling rates and different windows were used to test it. As a result show up as a magnitude response, phase response, impulse response and pole and zero
         Tools: MATLAB
         Using voltage regulator a regulated voltage supply is used as an input of electronic siren and two IC741 is used and this IC741 works as a frequency multi-vibrator and as a result it produces a high-frequency
         tone and at the output, it produces a loud siren.
         Component: Op-Amp(IC741) Voltage Regulator(LM317)
         In the project two LEDs (green and red) and one variable resistor is used. The time period is set by adjusting the variable resistor. The green LED turns on to show that timing is in progress. When the time period is
         over the green LED turns off, the red LED turns on and the beeper sounds.
         Component: Timer IC(IC555)